Unless you've been living under a rock for the past twenty years, chances are you know exactly who Eminem is - whether you love rap music or hate it, he's become a household name. Sure, nowadays he might not be tearing up the charts quite the same way he did back in the day, but he remains a hugely influential presence in the music industry. He's also, as fans know, a devoted father. He and his former wife Kim Scott had their baby Hailie when they were both young and struggling to make ends meet, far before Eminem rose to fame and became the superstar he is today. In fact, little Hailie Jade was a huge influence on Eminem - she inspired him to hustle even harder to ensure that his daughter didn't have the same kind of life he had growing up.

Unlike many celebrities, who share their children with the public without a second thought, Eminem has always been fiercely protective of Hailie Jade's privacy, and she's never been one to use her dad's name for fame. Instead, she just grew up with a normal life - and now that she's 21, she's slowly been emerging on social media, and people are going nuts.

So, what's she been up to? Here are 15 things you didn't know about Hailie Jade Scott Mathers.

15 She's worked on four songs with her dad

via: worldrap.net

It's not uncommon for celebrities to bring their children to work in some capacity - maybe they allow them to stand on stage during a performance, or come on set as an extra in a particularly exciting scene. However, Eminem went above and beyond - his baby girl was actually included in four of his tracks. And no, she's not exactly spitting out rhymes alongside her father - it's moreso just childish phrases or noises. On "97 Bonnie and Clyde," for example, listeners can hear a young Hailie Jade gurgling along as her dad raps. And in "My Dad's Gone Crazy," you can hear a young Hailie Jade saying "somebody please help me! I think my dad's gone crazy." There are plenty of musicians' famous children who have never even been in studio during a recording, so the fact that Hailie Jade can be heard on several of Eminem's songs is pretty amazing.

14 She's in the Guinness book of world records for a musical accomplishments

via: tumblr.com

Speaking of Hailie Jade's participation in the studio - did you know that she actually managed to snag an entry in the Guinness book of world records for her contribution on one of her dad's songs? As we previously mentioned, Hailie Jade can be heard on "My Dad's Gone Crazy" repeating the hook - something that she actually came up with while fooling around in the studio with her dad when she was just 6 years old. Well, though it may seem like a fairly minor contribution to the song, it was enough to convince the Guinness book of world records that she should be included as the youngest R&B entrant ever. At the time, she probably didn't even know what was going on - but now, looking back, it's pretty cool to brag that you set your first Guinness world record at the age of 6. Not many people can say that.

13 She was homecoming queen

via: thestrangelist.com

Given how unusual her parents are, it's kind of tough to imagine what sort of student Hailie Jade would be. Would she go the total opposite of her parents, who dropped out, and be a super brainy nerd? Would she be a huge athlete? Would she be an angsty goth who worked on poetry with the same skill and finesse that her father penned rhymes? Would she be a party girl? Well, while people really didn't know for many years, now they do - it turns out that Hailie Jade was actually the homecoming queen at her high school. It was a title bestowed upon her by her classmates, which means she was probably a fairly popular student. Honestly, Eminem doesn't seem like the type to raise a homecoming queen, but it just goes to show that you never know how your children will turn out - it seems that Hailie Jade ended up becoming a friendly face that many people like.

12 She's a college student now

via: usmagazine.com

Eminem dropped out of school at a relatively young age in order to pursue his career as a rapper and work to support his baby daughter. Then, after a little while, his incredible rap skills made others take notice and he started climbing the charts to stardom, so he never really needed to return to school and continue his education. His daughter Hailie Jade has done things a little bit differently. She was a strong student throughout high school, and instead of dropping out before she got that diploma, she saw it through - and went on to college afterwards! Hailie Jade is currently 21 years old and is attending Michigan State University. It just goes to prove how Eminem raised her outside of the spotlight - while many celebrity children end up trying to make it in Los Angeles because they were raised around all that fame, Hailie was raised the same way any other Michigan teen would have been.

11 She's a Capricorn

Hailie Jade was born on December 25, 1995, which makes her a Capricorn. For those who aren't big zodiac aficionados, Capricorns are assigned to the earth element, and some of their biggest traits include being responsible, disciplined, organized, and possessing a lot of self-control. Given that the public hasn't seen Hailie Jade using her dad's fame and wealth to indulge in the party girl lifestyle or fund lavish purchases, we'd say that she's a pretty solid Capricorn. The fact that she's a Christmas day baby is also pretty interesting. Given how much Eminem obviously dotes on her and has done his entire life, it's almost as if she was his perfect Christmas gift way back in 1995. And, though he wasn't established as a rapper at the time and really wasn't making a lot of money, we bet he wouldn't have had it any other way - Hailie definitely had a huge impact on his life.

10 She's mentioned in 22 songs total

via: hiphopgoldenage.com

It's no secret that Eminem absolutely adores his daughter. While he's always kept her out of the public eye and kept her life fairly private, that doesn't meant he doesn't reference her all the time in his music. In fact, over the span of his career, Eminem has mentioned Hailie Jade in a whopping 22 songs. There's of course the song literally dedicated to her, "Hailie's Song," but she's also mentioned in "Kim," "Beautiful," and "My Darling." While Hailie may not have been able to listen to some of those hits when she was very young - a few have language or ideas probably not fit for children's ears - we wonder if she's gone back to listen to them once she grew up. Not many people, whether they're the child of a musician or married to one, can say they've been mentioned so frequently in songs. It goes to show how much she's really on Eminem's mind.

9 Her parents got married twice

via: dailymail.co.uk

Many children have experienced some kind of parental drama at some point in their lives. After all, parents are human too - they have their struggles and issues just like the rest of us. And Hailie Jade's parents are no different. As everyone knows, Eminem and his childhood sweetheart Kim have had an incredibly tumultuous relationship over the years. Sure, they produced a gorgeous daughter together whom they both adore, but when it comes to their relationship with one another, it hasn't always been smooth sailing. The duo have actually gotten married not once, but twice. The first time was way back in 1999, when they were younger and Hailie Jade was just four years old. They were divorced by 2002, but then apparently just couldn't stay away from one another because they remarried in January of 2006. Of course, by the end of 2006, they were divorced again - just too much drama for one relationship.

8 She has nearly half a million followers on Instagram

In this day and age, nearly every celebrity has an Instagram account. It's just so simple to share pictures of your life, and you can choose what you decide to share - some celebs are super active on Instagram and let fans in on every little detail of their lives, while others post sporadically and mainly share publicity photos or very curated glimpses into their world. However, people follow them by the thousands because it's cool to get a bit more insight into your favourite celebrity's world. Unlike other celebrity's children, Hailie Jade didn't grow up in Los Angeles in the spotlight - she had a quiet upbringing in Michigan, far away from the paparazzi's eager eyes. So, when she finally decided to craft an Instagram account, you'd think her only followers would be friends in real life, right? Not quite. Hailie Jade currently has around 404,000 - nearly half a million! - followers on the social media platform. Sure, it may not compare to someone like Selena Gomez, but still - that's a ton of followers.

7 She was very involved in high school

via: youtube.com

There are some students who take the opportunity to participate in a ton of clubs and extracurricular activities, and then there are students who just show up and do the bare minimum. While you might assume that Hailie Jade would fall into the latter camp, given that her father dropped out of school, she definitely was the type to participate in everything. As a school publication detailed, Hailie Jade was a member of the Student Council, the Art Club, the Key Club, and the National Honour Society. Oh, and she played volleyball as well. I mean, we can't quite figure out whether she's an athlete, an artist, or someone who really loves learning and information. It turns out she's kind of all three - which is pretty amazing. Eminem is probably insanely proud of his high-achieving daughter and all that she's done. Although in terms of career success, he's certainly given her some big shoes to fill.

6 She attended a regular high school

via: flickr.com

Okay, let's just say it simply - Eminem is filthy rich. He probably has more money than he can spend. So, you might assume that the proud papa would want to send his daughter to the most elite private school with a sky-high tuition because, well, he can, right? Not exactly. Eminem came from humble roots, and he's taught his daughter the value of a strong work ethic and kept her grounded as well by sending her to a regular old high school, Chippewa High School, in Michigan. His plan obviously worked - while other celebrity children get into scandals at boarding school, Hailie Jade graduated with a 3.9 GPA and zero controversy or scandal. Despite having an insanely successful rapper for a father, she's been raised like a regular girl, which is probably why she turned out so well. Still - we can't help but wonder if her classmates at Chippewa ever asked if she could pull some strings and get them a private performance from Eminem.

5 She has sisters (kind of)

via: pinterest.com

Given how often Hailie is mentioned in Eminem's music, and what everyone knows of Kim and Eminem's tumultuous relationship, it's kind of assumed that Hailie is an only child. It's not as if Kim and Em were loading up four tots in a minivan on a happy family vacation, after all. However, that's not the entire truth. Like many children, Hailie was close with her family growing up, and spent a lot of time with her cousin Alaina. When Alaina's parents (Kim's twin sisters) were unable to take care of her, Eminem and Kim adopted the girl, and she and Hailie are super close to this day. The duo also have a half-sister, Whitney, who was Kim's daughter from a different relationship. Though Eminem isn't her biological father, he has full custody and has nothing but wonderful things to say about her. So - though Hailie is technically an only child, she has two adopted sisters by her side.

4 Though they had a rough relationship, she credits her parents for her success

via: starschanges.com

It can't be easy growing up around the tumultuous kind of relationship that Eminem and Kim had, and their romantic relationship certainly isn't the type that Hailie would want to emulate when she grew up. However, as parents, they always tried to put their differences aside and do what was best for Hailie - and given how she's turned out, they obviously did a fantastic job. In Hailie's high school yearbook, there's a particular quote that caught the public's eye once the text was leaked - in response to the question of who the most influential people in her life were, Hailie's response was "my mother and father because they have pushed me to be the person that i am and have given me all the support to achieve what I have." Aww! Say what you want about their personal drama, but Eminem and Kim seem to have done a fantastic job keeping Hailie separate from all those issues.

3 She has a puppy named Lottie

via: chron.com

If you're one of Hailie Jade's 400,000+ followers on Instagram, you know that she hasn't posted a ton of pictures so far. While some accounts have 2,000+ images shared, Hailie's is still in the double digits - but there's one subject who pops up quite a few times. We're talking about her puppy, Lottie. She's featured the adorable canine in a few of her photos, and people couldn't be more obsessed because, well… it's an adorable puppy. She doesn't show Lottie drinking out of gold bowls or going to some elite groomer in Beverly Hills, like other celebrities showcase their pets doing - Lottie just hangs out with Hailie while she takes selfies and spends time at home and just does all the normal things that a college student does. Perhaps once day Hailie will decide to open up a separate social media account for Lottie, like many celebs do for their pets - we'd follow that.

2 She doesn't have a Twitter account

via: pinterest.com

Way, way back in 2012, Hailie Jade tweeted something fairly nasty about Taylor Swift to the pop star's account telling her to "stop whoring around with every guy you see." Well, at least, that's what the public initially thought - it turns out that the account sending the tweet was a fake account simply pretending to be Em's daughter. In actuality, Hailie Jade doesn't have a Twitter account, and she even says so on her Instagram. So far, Instagram is the only social media platform where she allows fans to get a glimpse into her life - she's a private person! So, if you ever hear of any drama going on because Hailie Jade said something on Twitter, well, take it with a grain of salt because it probably wasn't her. That is, unless in a few years she decides to follow in her father's controversial footsteps and start calling out celebrities in her tweets like he did in his songs.

1 She has a boyfriend (though we don't know who)

Again, this just goes to show how normal Hailie Jade is. While other celebrity children end up dating young celebrities because of their proximity to the entertainment industry and their involvement in the Los Angeles social scene, Hailie Jade is the opposite. On her Instagram account, she posted a shot of herself all dressed up next to a young guy who looks to be about her age, with the caption "couldn't have asked for a better 21st birthday celebration (or a better guy to have by my side)". The picture suggests that Hailie Jade has a boyfriend - but he's just some regular guy that no one knows, perhaps a fellow student at Michigan University. If their relationship progresses (or if it has already - she's not too verbose on her Instagram), we bet it'll be pretty intimidating for him to come home to her parents, though - can you imagine going to meet your girlfriend's father and finding out he's Eminem? Yikes!

Sources: thestrangelist.com, chron.com

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